Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Diabetes Gestasional

Diabetes Gestational | GDM

Diabetes Gestational (Diabetes Mellitus Gestasional) adalah sejenis diabetes yang dialami oleh perempuan selama masa kehamilan, hal ini di tunjukkan dengan kadar glukosa yang tinggi dalam darah selama masa kehamilan. Gejala Diabetes Gestasional umumnya ditemukan setelah pemeriksaan kehamilan. Bayi yang lahir dari ibu dengan Diabetes Gestasional akan meningkatkan risiko terkena masalah, seperti bayi yang lahir dengan kelebihan berat badan, gula darah yang rendah, dan penyakit kuning.

Wanita dengan diabetes gestasional berisiko lebih tinggi untuk menderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2 (atau diabetes laten autoimun/tipe 1, tetapi tipe 1 sangat jarang dialami) setelah masa kehamilan, sementara anak-anak yang dilahirkan, akan sangat rentan terhadap obesitas pada perkembanganya, dengan kemungkinan akan terkena diabetes tipe 2 di kemudian hari. Kabar baiknya adalah pengobatan diabetes gestasional dapat dilakukan, dan biasanya hilang setelah kehamilan. Anda dapat memulai pengobatan sejak dini untuk menurunkan risiko pada Anda dan bayi Anda. Perawatan yang bisa Anda lakukan adalah mengontrol/mengecek kadar gula secara berkala, diet, olahraga, dan obat-obatan.
  • Diet. seorang ahli diet atau dokter yang ahli dapat membantu anda untuk membuat rencana diet yang tepat. diet yang anda lakukan harus menyertakan banyak buah-buahan segar, sayuran, dan sejenis padi-padian. asupan kalori dari lemak harus kurang dari 30%.
  • Latihan atau Olahraga. Olahraga dapat membantu menjaga berat badan tubuh anda pada masa kehamilan, dan membantu mengatur gula darah anda. kegiatan fisik seperti berjalan atau berenang adalah contoh yang baik. Tanyakan pada dokter anda jenis latihan apa yang aman untuk anda. Cobalah untuk tetap aktif selama masa kehamilan, tetapi ingat! jangan berlebihan.
  • Mengecek kadar gula darah. Dokter akan melakukan tes darah rutin untuk melihat apakah latihan dan rencana diet yang anda lakukan dapat menjaga kadar gula darah tetap terkendali. Anda mungkin perlu memiliki alat pengecek gula darah di rumah untuk memeriksa gula darah beberapa kali sehari. Dalam beberapa kasus, anda mungkin harus minum obat insulin. Insulin tidak berpengaruh ke dalam tubuh bayi dan tidak berbahaya bagi bayi anda. tetapi anda perlu berkonsultasi lebih lanjut dengan dokter anda tentang penggunaan insulin.

Penting untuk mengingat bahwa resiko untuk terkena diabetes mellitus tipe 2 akan terus berlanjut. Anda dapat mengurangi resiko itu dengan terus melakukan diet sehat dan program olahraga yang telah anda lakukan selama masa kehamilan. Tanyakan juga pada dokter anda, Berapa target berat badan yang wajar untuk Anda. Jika anda memang kelebihan berat badan, kehilangan hanya 5-7% dari berat badan anda, bisa mengurangi resiko terkena diabetes di masa depan.
Diabetes Gestasional memang mengkhawatirkan dan perlu ditanggapi dengan serius, tetapi bersama dengan dokter Anda, ahli diet, Anda dapat mengontrol gula darah anda dan memiliki kehamilan yang sehat.

source: [factsandhealth.blogspot.com]

Kanker Serviks

Kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim, sering juga disebut kanker mulut rahim

Kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim (sering juga disebut kanker mulut rahim) merupakan salah satu penyakit kanker yang paling banyak terjadi pada kaum wanita dan jumlah penderitanya meningkat beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Dari seluruh penderita kanker di Indonesia, sepertiganya adalah penderita kanker serviks. Kanker ini memang merupakan pembunuh wanita yang menakutkan. Setiap satu jam, satu wanita meninggal di Indonesia karena kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim ini. Fakta menunjukkan bahwa jutaan wanita di dunia terinfeksi HPV, yang dianggap penyakit lewat hubungan seks yang paling umum di dunia.

Menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), infeksi ini merupakan faktor risiko utama kanker leher rahim. Setiap tahun, ratusan ribu kasus HPV terdiagnosis di dunia dan ribuan wanita meninggal karena kanker serviks, yang disebabkan oleh infeksi itu. Mengingat fakta yang mengerikan ini, maka berbagai tindakan pencegahan dan pengobatan telah dibuat untuk mengatasi kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim.

Kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim terjadi di bagian organ reproduksi seorang wanita. Leher rahim adalah bagian yang sempit di sebelah bawah antara vagina dan rahim seorang wanita. Di bagian inilah tempat terjadi dan tumbuhnya kanker serviks. Apa penyebab kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim? Bagaimana cara pencegahannya? Serta bagaimana cara mengatasinya jika sudah terinfeksi HPV?

Kanker serviks disebabkan infeksi virus HPV (human papillomavirus) atau virus papiloma manusia. HPV menimbulkan kutil pada pria maupun wanita, termasuk kutil pada kelamin, yang disebut kondiloma akuminatum. Hanya beberapa saja dari ratusan varian HPV yang dapat menyebabkan kanker. Kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim bisa terjadi jika terjadi infeksi yang tidak sembuh-sembuh untuk waktu lama. Sebaliknya, kebanyakan infeksi HPV akan hilang sendiri, teratasi oleh sistem kekebalan tubuh.

Penyebab dan Gejala Kanker Serviks
Kanker serviks menyerang daerah leher rahim atau serviks yang disebabkan infeksi virus HPV (human papillomavirus) yang tidak sembuh dalam waktu lama. Jika kekebalan tubuh berkurang, maka infeksi HPV akan mengganas dan bisa menyebabkan terjadinya kanker serviks. Gejalanya tidak terlalu kelihatan pada stadium dini, itulah sebabnya kanker serviks yang dimulai dari infeksi HPV dianggap sebagai "The Silent Killer".

Beberapa gejala bisa diamati meski tidak selalu menjadi petunjuk infeksi HPV. Keputihan atau mengeluarkan sedikit darah setelah melakukan hubungan intim adalah sedikit tanda gejala dari kanker ini. Selain itu, adanya cairan kekuningan yang berbau di area genital juga bisa menjadi petunjuk infeksi HPV. Virus ini dapat menular dari seorang penderita kepada orang lain dan menginfeksi orang tersebut. Penularannya dapat melalui kontak langsung dan karena hubungan seks.

Ketika terdapat virus ini pada tangan seseorang, lalu menyentuh daerah genital, virus ini akan berpindah dan dapat menginfeksi daerah serviks atau leher rahim Anda. Cara penularan lain adalah di closet pada WC umum yang sudah terkontaminasi virus ini. Seorang penderita kanker ini mungkin menggunakan closet, virus HPV yang terdapat pada penderita berpindah ke closet. Bila Anda menggunakannya tanpa membersihkannya, bisa saja virus kemudian berpindah ke daerah genital Anda.

Buruknya gaya hidup seseorang dapat menjadi penunjang meningkatnya jumlah penderita kanker ini. Kebiasaan merokok, kurang mengkonsumsi vitamin C, vitamin E dan asam folat dapat menjadi penyebabnya. Jika mengkonsumsi makanan bergizi akan membuat daya tahan tubuh meningkat dan dapat mengusir virus HPV.

Risiko menderita kanker serviks adalah wanita yang aktif berhubungan seks sejak usia sangat dini, yang sering
berganti pasangan seks, atau yang berhubungan seks dengan pria yang suka berganti pasangan. Faktor penyebab lainnya adalah menggunakan pil KB dalam jangka waktu lama atau berasal dari keluarga yang memiliki riwayat penyakit kanker.

Sering kali, pria yang tidak menunjukkan gejala terinfeksi HPV itulah yang menularkannya kepada pasangannya. Seorang pria yang melakukan hubungan seks dengan seorang wanita yang menderita kanker serviks, akan menjadi media pembawa virus ini. Selanjutnya, saat pria ini melakukan hubungan seks dengan istrinya, virus tadi dapat berpindah kepada istrinya dan menginfeksinya.

Deteksi Kanker Serviks
Bagaimana cara mendeteksi bahwa seorang wanita terinfeksi HPV yang menyebabkan kanker serviks? Gejala seseorang terinfeksi HPV memang tidak terlihat dan tidak mudah diamati. Cara paling mudah untuk mengetahuinya dengan melakukan pemeriksaan sitologis leher rahim. Pemeriksaan ini saat ini populer dengan nama Pap smear atau Papanicolaou smear yang diambil dari nama dokter Yunani yang menemukan metode ini yaitu George N. Papanicolaou. Namun, ada juga berbagai metode lainnya untuk deteksi dini terhadap infeksi HPV dan kanker serviks seperti berikut:
  • IVA yaitu singkatan dari Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam asetat. Metode pemeriksaan dengan mengoles serviks atau leher rahim dengan asam asetat. Kemudian diamati apakah ada kelainan seperti area berwarna putih. Jika tidak ada perubahan warna, maka dapat dianggap tidak ada infeksi pada serviks. Anda dapat melakukan di Puskesmas dengan harga relatif murah. Ini dapat dilakukan hanya untuk deteksi dini. Jika terlihat tanda yang mencurigakan, maka metode deteksi lainnya yang lebih lanjut harus dilakukan.
  • Pap smear. Metode tes Pap smear yang umum yaitu dokter menggunakan pengerik atau sikat untuk mengambil sedikit sampel sel-sel serviks atau leher rahim. Kemudian sel-sel tersebut akan dianalisa di laboratorium. Tes itu dapat menyingkapkan apakah ada infeksi, radang, atau sel-sel abnormal. Menurut laporan sedunia, dengan secara teratur melakukan tes Pap smear telah mengurangi jumlah kematian akibat kanker serviks.
  • Thin prep. Metode Thin prep lebih akurat dibanding Papsmear. Jika Pap smear hanya mengambil sebagian dari sel-sel di serviks atau leher rahim, maka Thin prep akan memeriksa seluruh bagian serviks atau leher rahim. Tentu hasilnya akan jauh lebih akurat dan tepat.
  • Kolposkopi. Jika semua hasil tes pada metode sebelumnya menunjukkan adanya infeksi atau kejanggalan, prosedur kolposkopi akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat yang dilengkapi lensa pembesar untuk mengamati bagian yang terinfeksi. Tujuannya untuk menentukan apakah ada lesi atau jaringan yang tidak normal pada serviks atau leher rahim. Jika ada yang tidak normal, biopsi pengambilan sejumlah kecil jaringan dari tubuh dilakukan dan pengobatan untuk kanker serviks segera dimulai.
Mengobati Kanker Serviks
Jika terinfeksi HPV, jangan cemas, karena saat ini tersedia berbagai cara pengobatan yang dapat mengendalikan infeksi HPV. Beberapa pengobatan bertujuan mematikan sel-sel yang mengandung virus HPV. Cara lainnya adalah dengan menyingkirkan bagian yang rusak atau terinfeksi dengan pembedahan listrik, pembedahan laser, atau cryosurgery (membuang jaringan abnormal dengan pembekuan).

Jika kanker serviks sudah sampai ke stadium lanjut, maka akan dilakukan terapi kemoterapi. Pada beberapa kasus yang parah mungkin juga dilakukan histerektomi yaitu operasi pengangkatan rahim atau kandungan secara total. Tujuannya untuk membuang sel-sel kanker serviks yang sudah berkembang pada tubuh.
Namun, mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati. Karena itu, bagaimana cara mencegah terinfeksi HPV dan kanker serviks? Berikut ini beberapa cara yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk mencegah kanker serviks.

Mencegah Kanker Serviks
Meski kanker serviks menakutkan, namun kita semua bisa mencegahnya. Anda dapat melakukan banyak tindakan pencegahan sebelum terinfeksi HPV dan akhirnya menderita kanker serviks. Beberapa cara praktis yang dapat Anda lakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari antara lain:

  1. Miliki pola makan sehat, yang kaya dengan sayuran, buah dan sereal untuk merangsang sistem kekebalan tubuh. Misalnya mengkonsumsi berbagai karotena, vitamin A, C, dan E, dan asam folat dapat mengurangi risiko terkena kanker leher rahim.
  2. Hindari merokok. Banyak bukti menunjukkan penggunaan tembakau dapat meningkatkan risiko terkena kanker serviks.
  3. Hindari seks sebelum menikah atau di usia sangat muda atau belasan tahun.
  4. Hindari berhubungan seks selama masa haid terbukti efektif untuk mencegah dan menghambat terbentuknya dan berkembangnya kanker serviks.
  5. Hindari berhubungan seks dengan banyak partner (berganti-ganti pasangan).
  6. Secara rutin menjalani tes Pap smear secara teratur. Saat ini tes Pap smear bahkan sudah bisa dilakukan di tingkat Puskesmas dengan harga terjangkau.
  7. Alternatif tes Pap smear yaitu tes IVA dengan biaya yang lebih murah dari Pap smear. Tujuannya untuk deteksi dini terhadap infeksi HPV.
  8. Pemberian vaksin atau vaksinasi HPV untuk mencegah terinfeksi HPV.
  9. Melakukan pembersihan organ intim atau dikenal dengan istilah vagina toilet. Ini dapat dilakukan sendiri atau dapat juga dengan bantuan dokter ahli. Tujuannya untuk membersihkan organ intim wanita dari kotoran dan penyakit.
Hidup Sehat Tanpa Kanker Serviks
Kanker serviks bisa dicegah dan bisa diobati. Deteksi sejak dini dan rutin melakukan Pap smear akan memperkecil risiko terkena kanker serviks. Ubah gaya hidup Anda dan juga pola makan Anda agar terhindar dari penyakit yang membunuh banyak wanita di dunia ini. Dengan demikian, maka kesehatan serviks atau leher rahim lebih terjamin. Dengan penanganan yang tepat, kanker serviks bukanlah sesuatu yang menakutkan.

source: [kumpulan.info][www.cancercenter.com]

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Perut Indah Bebas Lemak

Tips Mudah Mendapatkan Perut Indah Bebas Lemak

Tidak Pede memakai busana model pas badan (body-fit), karena lemak menumpuk di bagian perut dan pinggang? Atasi dengan cara mudah dan murah dalam mendapatkan perut yang indah. Penyebab perut membuncit adalah lemak yang menumpuk dalam rongga perut. Hal ini dikarenakan kelebihan asupan energi yang secara kumulatif ditimbun sebagai cadangan energi berupa lemak tubuh. Agar kalori yang masuk dalam tubuh tidak berlebihan, dan tidak membuat perut membuncit, berikut ini akan memberikan tips mudah mendapatkan perut indah bebas lemak:

  1. Kunyah Makanan Perlahan. Kebiasaan makan dengan cepat, ternyata dapat membuat tubuh semakin gemuk. Rasa kenyang baru terasa setelah 20-25 menit usai kunyahan awal, terjadi setelah lambung memproses makanan dalam perut. Setelah kerja lambung mulai menurun, rasa kenyang mulai terasa. Karena itu, cobalah mengunyah makanan lebih lama. Dengan begitu, suapan demi suapan tidak terlalu cepat mampir ke mulut Anda.
  2. Kurangi Porsi Nasi. Tampaknya satu porsi nasi di piring tidak selalu cukup untuk Anda. Untuk menanggulangi kebiasaan ini, mulailah mengurangi porsi nasi di meja makan. Sebaliknya, porsi sayuran diperbanyak. Jadi, jika Anda masih lapar, tapi nasi sudah habis, pilihannya tinggal 2: berhenti makan atau menyantap sayuran. Win-win solution, kan?
  3. Jalan Kaki 30 Menit. Jika ingin perut buncit ‘mengempis’, jangan cepat bosan berolahraga. Tapi, mengapa lemak di perut tidak cepat ‘menyusut’, meski sudah rutin berolah raga? Karena lemak paling banyak menumpuk di bagian perut, maka kapasitas lemak yang perlu dibakar pun lebih besar. Otomatis, agar kembali ramping, membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama. Jadi, wajar dong, bila bagian lengan Anda terlihat mengecil terlebih dahulu dibandingkan perut. Jenis olahraga yang efektif merampingkan perut adalah berjalan kaki atau jogging. Lakukan 30 menit sehari, sebanyak 2-3 kali.
  4. Jangan Langsung Tidur Sehabis Makan. Usahakan tidak langsung tidur selepas makan. Sebab, sewaktu tidur, tubuh menjadi sangat rileks, sehingga gerakan usus sangat lambat. Karena tidak ada kalori yang terbuang, maka lemak yang masuk bisa langsung menumpuk dalam tubuh. Akibatnya, terjadi kegemukan. Agar proses pencernaan lancar, jadi harus ada jeda antara waktu setelah makan dan tidur. Setidaknya minimal 30 menit. Lakukan aktivitas lain, misalnya mencuci piring atau menonton televisi.
  5. Makan Salad. Potong wortel, seledri, zucchini atau sayuran lainnya untuk dikudap menjadi salad. Langkah ini dapat membuat Anda mengeluarkan usaha lebih untuk mengunyah potongan-potongan seluruh jenis sayuran berukuran besar itu. Sehingga Anda akan lebih banyak mengunyah, dan makan lebih sedikit saat menyantap menu utama.
  6. Minum Teh Hijau Sebelum Beraktifitas. Kafein yang terkandung dalam teh membebaskan asam lemak, sehingga dapat membantu Anda lebih mudah membakar lemak. Polyphenol (antioksidan senyawa) yang terdapat pada teh hijau dapat bekerja efektif bersama kafein yang membakar kalori.
  7. Ganti Mentega dengan Minyak Zaitun. Langkah ini lebih sehat dan dapat membantu Anda makan lebih sedikit. Penelitian terbaru membuktikan, bahwa dengan menambahkan minyak zaitun dalam makanan yang disantap, dapat menurunkan sedikitnya 52 kalori, daripada mereka yang menggunakan mentega.

source: [tipsanda.com]

Amazon Acai Berry

Amazon Acai Berry: Make Sure You Are Getting the Real Thing

Ever since Dr. Oz considered the Amazon Acai Berry juice to be his #1 diet product of 2009, people have been flocking to various sites trying to get a few bottles. Unfortunately, there are websites out there that have caught on to the hysteria and are selling low grade Amazon Acai Berry juice.  Basically they are knock-offs and are giving people a substantial amount of side effects.

n order to combat the situation, it’s important for you to be more informed about the Amazon Acai Berry and understand how it reacts to most people’s body.  In the end you will feel more comfortable about what you’re purchasing and where you are purchasing it from online.  Plus, the cheap versions won’t have the right amount of powerful anti-oxidants and could eliminate any hope for a healthier you.

Only One True Side Effect
If you experience any type of side effect with the Amazon Acai Berry, chances are you aren’t getting the real thing.  There is really only one true side effect to utilizing this in your everyday life and that is a decreased appetite.  However, since there is a 300% increase in anti-oxidants, your body will go through a substantial amount of changes if it isn’t healthy already.

The Cleansing Process
Noticing the changes when you use the Amazon Acai Berry is a good thing.  The body will start releasing the toxins in your body and transform your health from the inside-out.  When this happens you will obviously endure the usual issues (a bathroom trip here or there, etc.).  Granted, this will only occur in the beginning stages, since your body won’t be used to such a healthy substance.

Just think about all the ingredients you put into your body right now.  It doesn’t matter if it’s fast food, a nice big juicy steak, donuts, coffee, cigarettes, pasta, candy or anything else you normally eat throughout the day.  If you’ve been doing this for years, then the Amazon Acai Berry is going to combat all the negative fight in your body and eliminate it completely.

What Else to Expect
One thing many people don’t realize is you will notice a change within the first day.  Your regular routine may be interrupted as you start to understand the affect the Amazon Acai Berry is having on your body.  Even if there is a slight boost in energy, this is because the product is working.  Over time you will notice blemishes on your skin will disappear, a better working digestive track, and substantial increase in energy.

Plus, the Amazon Acai Berry will also be helping those organs and other areas inside your body that you almost never see.  It may be hard to believe right now, but after awhile your life will end up taking a turn for the better.  Whether you spend more time with the family, feel refreshed at work, or even start exercising or picking up a hobby on your own, it will all start with the Amazon Acai Berry.

source: [www.uberslik.com]

What is Acai Berry?

Acai Berry is a great purple colored fruit that is actually native to rainforests of Brazil, South America. The fruit grows on Acai palm in clusters and independently resembles the grape fruit in its shape as well as size. Unlike the grapes, the edible component of the Acai Berry is the pulp of the fruit that needs to be scraped from its rind.

The natives of Brazil have been using the fruit for decades now and the other parts of the world are using this fruit as a part of weight loss diet.

Acai berry and its different products are becoming more and more famous as a superb weight loss item because of the manner that it contributes in boosting the overall metabolism rate, suppressing appetite and detoxifying the entire body. It is often found that the weight loss supplements have pure Acai Berry as the primary ingredient. This is mainly due to the reason that this fruit performs a great role in helping people to lose fat and that to without offering any side effects. By boosting the metabolism rate, the Acai Berries also help the user to burn more and more calories with every dosage while decreasing the appetite in order to stave off the cravings of junk food items.

Every Acai contains a seed that basically makes up around eighty percent of fruit. The remaining part of this fruit contains a huge amount of value as well. Each and every Acai Berry incorporates about 8g proteins, various amino acids and a blend of Vitamin A, C and other valuable nutrients. Unlike other fruits, the total content of proteins in these berries make it an excellent option for the pre and post workout meals thereby helping to repair the overworked or damaged muscles.

Acai Berry also incorporates the Omega fatty acids that are crucial to help the fuel growth thereby acting as a natural and safe anti-inflammatory. Even though various other food items are featured with this property as well like flaxseed, fish and other vegetables, the Acai Berry contains more levels of anti inflammatory properties than any other food item. Acai fruit blends in food items or smoothies and can even be bought in the powered form for sprinkling over the dishes or be hydrated and made into Acai juice.

Notable benefits of acai berry include promoting sound sleep, detoxifying the digestive system, burning the calories, speeding up metabolism, increasing energy levels and reducing free radicals to inhabit aging.

source: [http://www.uberslik.com]

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Schedule

It's easy to get into social media for the wrong reasons and to post too much or too little. Here's how to balance out your social media efforts.

Why have you joined the social media media world?
Some social networkers are there for purely egotistical reasons. They don't want to engage in the conversation. They simply collect followers and friends in order to have bragging rights every time they collect another thousand. But connecting, following or befriending just anyone dilutes your influence and standing among those in your audience.

Others join because they feel they must. They spend a few days setting up their profiles and then abandon them when other tasks call.

The real motivation for any business social networker is connection: You should want to connect with like-minded people who can help your business and whose businesses you can assist. You want to add to the conversation, and not come across as desperate, spammy or a waste of time. If you develop a bad reputation in these communities, it will be hard to shake off.

But making such strong, real connections takes time, effort and thoughtfulness. If you never return to your profiles, you and your business will be forgotten (best case) or seen as unconnected, clueless or lazy (worst case). If you post too much, people might consider you a pest and stop following you.

Some social networkers are the worst of both worlds: They don’t post to their blog or text their friends or colleagues for weeks at a time. They don’t reply to messages sent to them, and the company site looks like it has gone out of business. Then, without any warning, they’re back . . . alive . . . and conversing. Was the organization’s social networking person out of the country? Did they suffer a grave illness? Nope. They were just distracted, disorganized, sidetracked or overworked. There’s no method to the company’s madness in being a social networking participant. Not committed. No strategy. Its influence will never be felt. The competition will soon fill the void.

Whether your company is a one-person business or a large organization, your commitment to social networking should be consistent, compelling and informative. The social networking community is a fragile, collaborative ecosystem. Make the commitment. People will follow a trail of dependable, exciting, instructive news. But once the trail goes cold, they’re gone and likely never to return.

Being a social media maniac isn’t the right persona either. You know who we’re talking about. These people can answer emails on their laptops with one hand while texting friends or colleagues on their iPhones with the other. They can’t be looked in the eye when talking because their heads are always looking down at some screen. This behavior may be seen as good technology gone bad.

The key is to strike a balance somewhere in the middle. Avoid becoming a social media ignorer or a social media maniac. Develop a social networking schedule that does not run your life but does keep you accountable. The goal should be consistency. Choose a schedule and stay the course for at least six months. As you find success, you can slowly grow your social networking persona.

The sample social networking agenda below can be used as a springboard for designing one that suits your schedule and the community channels you’ve joined.

Twice Daily in the Morning and Afternoon
  • Check Twitter via a program like HootSuite. Respond when necessary. Follow the @replies that make sense.
  • Check LinkedIn. Reply to emails and comments when appropriate.
  • Scan Twitter followers for relevant conversations to join.
  • Check your business's Facebook Page for questions and respond when necessary.
  • Scan Google Alerts for brand and company mentions. Respond as appropriate.
Weekly or on Weekends
  • Build Twitter Lists to better organize ongoing discussions and special interest groups. Set up saved searches in Hootsuite to find out if people are talking about you or your company.
  • Scan LinkedIn questions from network connections and respond when appropriate.
  • Catch up on LinkedIn discussions. Add to discussion when appropriate.
  • Send LinkedIn invitations to connect with clients when beginning a new assignment.
  • Ask for LinkedIn recommendation after successfully completing a project or engagement.
  • Add new content to Facebook like videos or photos.
  • Think of ways to repurpose this content and energy to reach a larger audience with the social networking gospel.
  • Keep an eye open for new social networking venues, tools, and functionality that will make the social networking experience more enjoyable and easier to traverse.
  • Identify new social networking influencers and build relationships where appropriate.
Through the Week
  • Mondays: Schedule tweets through HootSuite to go out three times per day at regular intervals.
  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: Join one hot trend conversation on Twitter, if appropriate, and add new content to Facebook (new items you are selling, photos, discounts and other promotions).
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays: Respond to blog comments.
  • Fridays: Check traffic at your blog or website.
Obviously, your daily social networking to-do list will be much different, given your available time and commitments. Just be sure to make the schedule livable. If it’s not working, change it. Keep making modifications until it works for you.
[ John D. Leavy/LinkedIn.com/in/JohnDLeavy ]

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

How to Make Money Online: Step by Step Guide

Making money through the Internet is not that hard.  In fact, there might be a hundred and one ways for you to choose from.  With just a laptop and a reliable Web connection, you are on your way to online money making.

First and foremost you have to set up a PayPal account as most clients use Paypal in order to send in their payment for your services.  Just go to http://www.paypal.com if you want to sign up.  You just need to select your account type and fill out the necessary information.  The system will then have you confirm your email address as well as some other information and in the end, you will get your own Pay Pal account.

As soon as you have a PayPal account then you are surely ready to think about which online money making “scheme” would you be interested in.

Below are examples of great ways to setting up Your first site and make money online :

Find/Buy a Domain Name
Most of the time succeeding in the online industry would be for you to get the right domain name.  You may have a domain search online and have the choice of whether you would just be working locally or would be using the global Web.  Searching by category would also help you get ahead of your competitors.  Having free domain alerts would also serve as your reminders or trackers in terms of newer inventory.  Check out sites such as Go Daddy and Dotster for your domain name needs.

Buy Web Hosting
Now that you have a domain name, it is time for you to learn about web hosting.  A web host can be referred to as your service provider that is responsible for storing your site on the computer that should be connected to the World Wide Web.  This is of course to make sure that visitors are able to see and go to your web site.  Your web host has to have a fast speed in terms of Internet connection and should also have a lot of sites to be found on many servers.  Think of your web host as your leaser from which you rent out a space to have a website on the Web.

Buying a web host would ensure that visitors, when they type the name of your web site, would be able to access it.  You just need to decide on the name you want and then inform your web host and when the name you chose is available, your web host will make sure that the space they set up for you will automatically direct your visitors (the bones who typed your site’s name in the URL) into your site.

Design your Website or Buy a Template
Once you have started on building your site, the next important thing you would have to look into would be designing your web site.  This step takes time though.  Good thing there are the so called pre-designed templates which you can buy or even get for free.  There are varied pre-designed templates over the Web that would give your site a professional look and at the same time make your site attractive.  Of course, it will be best to choose a style or design that will reflect your business, your likes, etc.  If you are just a newbie webmaster, then a pre-designed template is the solution.

Add Unique Content
One of the most popular ways of making online profit would be adding unique content to your site.  For the reference of newbie web masters, unique content is the information found in your site alone free from plagiarism and that content would determine the spot that your site will hold in terms of visibility, traffic, etc.  Remember that your clients will pay you more if your site’s content will boost traffic, visibility, and a lot more.

Having unique content is really beneficial.  The content your website has, once unique, is said to attract more visitors.  True, a person searching for information on Fashion would get a list of hundreds of websites that have information on Fashion but if a site’s content is unique more people would decide to click on that site’s link as compared to the others.

One good way of developing unique content would be to create lists that would give you plus points to your visitors.  Bear in mind too that more information would lure your visitors to stay longer, frequent your site for information, give their contributions to your site, and of course, refer other people to your site.  The trick is also to keep on adding unique content into your website regularly to make your visitors come back again and again.

Make Money with an Affiliate Program
Affiliate marketing is one more way to make money online.  Joining an affiliate program would mean that you as a web site owner would just need to place either an ad in your site or the so called linking code which your visitors can see and then click on for them to be taken immediately into your client’s site.  More traffic brought into your client’s site and also the more sign ups or purchases that you bring in would mean a greater amount of profit for you.

There are a lot of affiliate programs you can find just by searching on the Internet.  You just have to apply online if you are interested in joining and then wait for approval.  An approved application would mean that you get an HTML code which you just have to cut and paste into your web site.  This would then link a client’s site into your site and that means you can now start earning.

Other Ways to Make Money Online
Having an online shop has also been the trend nowadays also because of the fact that you do not need to hire employees, no rent needed, etc.  Sites like Multiply, eBay, to name a few do permit their members to sell their stuff or auction off items freely or at a very minute cost.  It is surely quite easy to have an online store; just make sure that your merchandise would be those that have a high demand for people to continuously buy from your shop.

Creating your own Blog is also a good way to make money online.  The more traffic would mean more profit and of course the fact that you keep more people interested in your client’s services or products would place more cash into your own pocket.  Great ways to increase your blog’s traffic would be through search engine optimization, press releases, etc.

With research, determination, as well as the necessary resources, making money online is not that so difficult.

Learn more about How To Create Online Magazine

Work from Home Opportunities

At Home with Working Moms and Dads There are instances when parents need to stay home to take care of the children. This is one reason why a lot of parents are quitting their job to devote their time for the well being of their families.

Staying at home doesn’t mean that parents will not be working. There are a lot of options to choose from so dads and moms who need to stay home can still help with the household budget.

Work from Home Opportunities for Parents
In order to get that extra cash, there are a lot of home based businesses that parents can look into:
  • Affiliate Marketing: This is one of the most lucrative businesses the moms and dads can get into. All you need to have is a computer. Internet and your own website. Affiliate marketing is like having an online billboard and enticing online users to click the banners. The more clicks the more money that will come in to your website. Affiliate marketing involves developing a particular topic in your website so readers will be interested to click on the other links or ads that you have posted on your page.
  • eBay: This is another great work from home where you can market things on the web. Parents can start with the things at home that the family don’t need anymore. This gets rid of clutter at the same time will earn you extra dollars. All you have to do is sign up and start selling. You must build a good reputation as a seller so people will trust you and will be confident to buy goods that you offer online.
  • Blogging: Making money through blogging is easy if you know what to do. First you must have a blog where you write about things that you love. Develop these topics and generate traffic to your blog. Once you have people visiting your blog, you can start making money by using affiliate programs. Basically, put ads on your blog and pay you on a per click or per purchase scheme.
  • Article Writing: If you are a mom or dad that can write a few hundred word articles per day then this is one good opportunity for you. This is collaborating with online publishers or editors who need help producing web content. The topics and fees may vary depending on the difficulty of the assignment. There are websites that you can visit so you can get projects to start with. It is also very essential to develop your network so you can get more projects that pay better.
  • Surveys and Mystery Shopping: If you love to shop, ask or answer questions, then this maybe the job for you. A lot of companies resort to mystery shopping to check the quality of the service. They want to ensure that their employees are properly doing their jobs and giving quality service to their clients. Surveys on the other hand provide feedback from the end users end. Surveys basically pay you for your thought so they can improve their product or develop new ones. Paid surveys and mystery shopping are all over the internet. All you have to do is register. Remember companies who need this service will not ask fees from you, but instead will pay you for your feedback.
Home based jobs for moms and dads are gaining popularity as parents need more time with their families and at the same time earning to support the needs of the household.

Learn more about Home Businesses and Make Money Online !

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

How Much Insulin Do You Need?

If you have type 2 diabetes and your doctor thinks it might be a good time to start insulin therapy, there are two important factors to consider: How much insulin do you need to take? When do you need to take it? And both are very personal.

"You can't paint everyone with type 2 diabetes with the same brush," says Mark Feinglos, MD, division chief of endocrinology, metabolism, and nutrition at the Duke University School of Medicine, in Durham, N.C. "You need to tailor the regimen to an individual's needs."

A person with type 2 diabetes might start off on half a unit of insulin per kilogram of body weight per day, especially if there is not much known about the nature of his or her diabetes. Still, it is not unusual to need more like 1 unit, says Dr. Feinglos. (One unit per kilogram would be 68 units per day for someone who weighs 150 pounds, which is about 68 kilograms).

A lot depends on your specific health situation. People with type 2 diabetes suffer from insulin resistance, a situation in which the body loses its ability to use the hormone properly. Early in the course of the disease, the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas respond to insulin resistance by churning out even more of the hormone. Over time, though, insulin production declines.

Taking insulin can help you overcome the body's insulin resistance, though many factors can affect your dosage. If your body is still sensitive to insulin but the pancreas is no longer making much insulin, for example, Dr. Feinglos says that you would require less insulin than someone who is really resistant to insulin.

"But the most important issue is not necessarily how much you need to take," he adds. "Rather, it's the timing of what you to take. Timing is everything."

Source :  Lynne Peeples [Health Integrated Solutions]

Why Insulin Makes Sense for People With Type 2 Diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, you have more options to control blood sugar than ever before, including no less than six classes of oral medication and an injectable drug based on lizard venom, Byetta.

Still, just because one certain drug—insulin—has been around for nearly a century doesn't mean that it should be considered as less useful or less important than other "more modern" medications. In fact, insulin's tried-and-true safety record and ironclad ability to lower blood sugar in all patients make some doctors more likely to recommend it sooner rather than later in some people with type 2 diabetes.

"Insulin is an appropriate choice at any point," says John Buse, MD, PhD, director of the Diabetes Care Center at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, in Chapel Hill. "You can start it as the first therapy for diabetes. In some countries, such as Germany, many doctors advocate that as the best approach.

"Insulin therapy has gotten easier over the years, making the drug less painful and simple to use than in the past.

But even if this therapy doesn't seem suitable for you right now, don't be afraid to use it if your doctor thinks it can help control your blood sugar in the future. Elevated blood sugar basically acts as a poison in the body, so if other treatments aren't working, you'll need to do whatever it takes to get it into the safe zone.

Most fears about insulin are unwarranted, or at least outdated, says Dr. Buse.

Source : Health Integrated Solutions

Selasa, 29 November 2011

Nine Principles for Effective Leadership

“If women would realize what an influence they have, they would be filled with pride. If men recognized how influential women are, they would be scared to death.”
leadershipprinciplesIt is said that we all influence at least 250 people in our lifetime. We each have the responsibility of leadership.

Every woman can be a leader. Yet results of surveys show that most women greatly underestimate their influence.

At home it can be organizing our children to clean the house or, more important, instilling values and morals into their lives. At the workplace, it can be motivating people for sales. We influence others by what we say and do and by how we do our work.

We recognize that Mother Teresa was one of the great religious and humanitarian leaders of the world. When we aspire to be leaders, we must learn to discern between fame and greatness. Fame is Madonna; greatness is Mother Teresa. There is a tremendous shortage of and need for truly great leaders–leaders who are trustworthy, ethical, good, honest and who have high personal standards. The world is looking for honest and upright leaders.

Thankfully there are more women in leadership now than when I first began taking on leadership responsibilities. Being in leadership roles for more than thirty years with greater and lesser responsibilities I have learned a great deal about good leadership. What is a leader? “A leader is a person who influences people to accomplish a purpose.” How do you become a leader? “A leader correctly assesses a situation and knows how to take the next step.”

Whether you know it or not, whether you believe it or not, you’re a leader an influencer. Your opinions are listened to and acted upon. The following nine principles will help you make the most of your influence:

1. Have a dream that will leave this world a better place
“Is there anything worse then being blind? Yes! The most pathetic person in the whole world is someone who has sight but has no vision.” So said Helen Keller.

Leadership is simply the ability to turn a dream or a vision of a desired future state into a reality with and through the cooperation of other people. To throw your life into something worthwhile, your dream must be worth dying for. What do you get excited about?

Have a big vision; something beyond your capabilities to keep you challenged. If we have aimed our efforts for this moment only for ourselves, for the accumulation of material things, for pleasure we will soon become dissatisfied and disillusioned with life. Former British Prime Minster Margaret Thatcher said, “There is little hope for democracy if the hearts of men and women cannot be touched by a call to something greater than themselves.”

Have a dream and vision that is greater then yourself one that will leave this world a better place.

2. Know what your strengths are
To be leaders, we need each other to reach our goals. Each of us has only some of the skills needed to do a great job. We need to surround ourselves with people to fill in our gaps. Seventy nine year old Muriel Tower, an experienced entrepreneur, said, “You get things done through other people. Number one in business is get the best person for the job. Number two, delegate. Number three, supervise go back and see that they did it.”

In order to be effective, you need a team to work with. We lead on the basis of our strengths; we gather our team on the basis of their strengths.

What is your leadership style? Are you a visionary? A person who can see the big picture and take risks? Or are you a detail person an administrative type? You see the need for systems and order. You do things right and at the right time. You are efficient. Perhaps you are more of a sales person a people gatherer. You love people and can sell anything to anyone, but don’t care about details. Or maybe you just love working by yourself. A hard worker a producer. Let someone give you a track to run on and you’ll do it.

Before you are thirty years old, you can probably do all of those jobs without too much difficulty. But once you are over thirty, you realize you don’t want to do the things you aren’t good at. It uses up too much energy. When you know what you are good at, surround yourself with a team who are good at the other three.

When you have that team, meet with them regularly and have a purpose statement that you work toward. Review it often with your staff so you don’t lose your focus. Set short and long term goals, and evaluate two or three times a year to see how you are doing. Your team will be motivated toward reaching your goals together. Give credit where credit is due. Say “thank you” to the people you are working with. Encourage them often!

Understanding your strengths and the strengths of others is a key to effective leadership.

3. Strive for excellence
The people you want to influence will not rise to a higher standard of excellence than what they observe in you. The authors of Megatrends for Women write, “Male or female, the effective leader wins commitment by setting an example of excellence.”

We were hosting a dinner for influential women in three cities with a well known, successful speaker. Of course we were eager to make a good impression, so we spent hours wording the invitations. However, when they were printed and we looked them over, we discovered to our dismay that the logo for our organization was printed upside down. It was a costly oversight.

After much discussion, we decided to reprint them even though we knew that the majority of the women would not even notice the mistake.

We wanted to influence leaders and we had to do things right, not only do the right things. Leaders must strive for excellence.

Strive for excellence and you will motivate others to do the same.

4. Be persistent
Mother Teresa was a determined woman. Margaret Thatcher was a determined woman. The key to being a good leader is endurance being a non quitter. You will be tempted to quit and be encouraged to quit by those who are friends and enemies. Be unwilling to throw in the towel. Be determined.

One journalist wrote of Mother Teresa: “When I met Mother Teresa, I discovered she was very tiny less than five feet tall and kept her head cocked to one side. She had gnarled hands and thick peasant feet that protruded from under her coarse white sari. Although there was no mistaking the aura of warmth and kindness that surrounded her, I felt I was in the presence of the most powerful, focussed and determined person I had ever met.”

According to a survey done by Deloitte and Touche, senior women executives rated Determination and Perseverance as the number one essential qualities for Women’s success in business. In order to leave this world a different place, you have to be persistent. Leaders don’t grow in a comfort zone. Leaders are not people with exceptional talent; they are people who have learned from their mistakes and get up and try again.

Persistence is a key to effective leadership.

5. Be willing to stand alone
If you have a passion, a dream or a mission, set measurable goals and work toward accomplishing them. You will find that many times you may have to work alone. You will probably be lonely.

People are looking for leaders who are willing to give it all they have, and they will follow for a while. However, when the going gets tough, when pleasure and comfort compete with responsibility and long hours, followers will drop away. That is when you have to be sure that what you are doing is right, so that you will keep going.

James Cook said, “A person who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.”

6. Be ready for resistance
One of the facts of life is that when you are in leadership, you have to solve problems.

Pastor Lloyd Ogilvie, for many years the senior pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, California and now Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, once observed that “Everyone has problems; if you don’t have any now, you will have problems; wherever you work or live, you’ll have problems; or you just might be someone else’s problem.”

Sometimes we have the faulty notion that we should be able to go through life problem free that if we have problems, something is wrong with our life. As leaders, we have to be responsible, no matter how painful it is. Running away is not an option.

We can easily fall into waiting for someone else to solve our problems. In her book, The Cinderella Complex, Colette Dowling writes about waiting for Prince Charming: “Like Cinderella, women today are still waiting for something external to transform their lives. We may venture out a little, but underneath lurks a wish to be saved, a deep yearning for dependence.”

You don’t need to wait for someone else’s help. You will have problems. Be ready. Expect it. If you know you are doing what is right, you won’t cave in when the going gets tough.

Facing problems and dealing with them by making good decisions is the difference between a leader and a follower.

7. Set an example for your staff
“Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and never succeed.”

I am amazed at how often people want a position, but not the responsibility. It is natural to want to escape responsibility; we all do it. However, being a leader means working long hours. It means being available to solve problems or give direction whenever necessary. Being a leader means being a servant, whether you are in your home or at work. You are always on call.

A leader works hard.

8. Be ethical
As I travel a lot, I gather stats from many different papers and magazines. USA Today stated that two in three adults believe ethics “vary by situation” or that there is no “unchanging ethical standard of right and wrong.” Only 18% of the people ages 20 – 30 said that there was one standard of right and wrong.

The Vancouver Province printed another study, which reflected that we tell 200 lies a day. Everything from giving excuses for our behaviour, to saying things like, “I hate to bother you . . . ” Don’t expect your staff or the next generation to do what is right if they see you doing what is wrong. It is incredibly important that we have a strong code of ethics to base our decisions and lifestyle on.

What set of values dictate your ethics your behaviour? Or do you have a code of ethics? Do you have convictions that cause you to say, “I will never do that” or “For me, that is not an option?” If you don’t, sit down, think through and write down your non-negotiable code of ethics. Sometimes it can be the little things that erode your standards and by the way your self esteem. When temptation comes, you may very well do something that you will later be sorry for. Sometimes you have harmful situations to live with the rest of your life.

Margaret Thatcher once said, “I am not a consensus politician, I am a conviction politician.” What kind of leader are you? Do you have convictions of your own or do you live by the consensus of other opinions?
It is of utmost importance to have high ethical standards to be an effective leader.

9. Let God be your guide
Elizabeth Dole, President of the American Red Cross, stated in an interview: “To me it’s very important to know I have a source of strength beyond my own. When I’m undertaking a difficult assignment or making a tough decision, I’m glad I don’t have to rely on my own energy, wisdom, and judgement.”

Twenty four years ago, I realized I needed a source of strength beyond myself. The goals I had set for myself were not satisfying and even relationships did not fill my deepest need. At the ageof thirty two, I gave the control of my life to God. He is that source of strength I needed. I simply prayed, “I want You to be my Guide from now until I die.” He heard me.

Initially, I was filled with tremendous joy, peace and satisfaction. I felt like someone really cared for me accepted me unconditionally. It was like finding a missing piece to a puzzle after looking for a long time.

My goals, priorities and dreams started changing. My dreams became much bigger beyond what I could personally do. My scope of interest grew from the home base to the community, from the community to the province, from the province to our nation, from our nation to the world.

I noticed many women in my world were not maximizing their abilities; I worked hard to encourage and train them to be the best women they could be.

Yet what is more important, I realized that if God could satisfy me and change my life so dramatically, He could do that for anyone. So I started telling people how they could have a personal relationship with God.

Find the power to change your life and your world–let God be your guide.
Oliver W. Holmes was quoted as saying, “I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as is what direction we are heading.” What direction do you think you will be heading 5 years from now? 10 years from now? 25 years from now?

As a leader, what direction are you heading? What direction are you taking the 250 people you are influencing?

Living with hope

If you are looking for peace, there is a way to balance your life. No one can be perfect, or have a perfect life. But every one of us has the opportunity to experience perfect grace through a personal relationship with God.

You can receive God right now by faith through prayer. Praying is simply talking to God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as he is with the attitude of your heart.

Source : Katherine J. Kehler

Network Your Way to Personal Success

networkHas this ever happened to you? You’re invited to a business reception. You know it’s a great opportunity to make important contacts because people from your industry will be there.

So you arrive. You don’t recognize a single person. Everyone seems to be conversing in pairs and small groups. The room is buzzing with animated conversation. Everyone seems to be having a great time. Everyone, that is – except you!
You head over to the hors d’oeuvres table and with great detail examine every delicacy. When you’re finished going down the line, you start all over again.

You wish desperately that someone would come over and talk with you. But no one does. So you finish off your fifth helping of shrimp wanton delights, nervously glance around the room, nod at some phantom client, then quickly make your way to the door. You wonder why you ever made the effort to go in the first place.


But it didn’t have to be . . . not if you know how to network!

Networking is never a waste of time. It turns every social event into a unique opportunity to connect with others for mutual benefit. There never has to be another evening like the one just described.

Networking is a universal approach to life that is gaining momentum around the world. Just like a computer modem links someone to the Internet, networking connects you into an incredibly rich source of contacts that can open doors of opportunity you never dreamed possible.

Whether you’re looking for information, promoting an event or product, trying to make that important contact with someone you don’t know, looking for a job, or simply wanting to connect with people who have similar interests, networking can help you!

Simply put, networking is PEOPLE — people promoting, supporting, nurturing and relating to other people. Networking is all about creating productive links with people through an ever expanding base of contacts.

Effective networking depends upon good two-way interaction. It’s all about cultivating effective communication. Yet many people find it difficult to walk into a room of strangers, meet new people and initiate meaningful conversation.

Statistics indicate that up to 90% of all adults experience anxiety when attending group functions with people they do not know. This reluctance to mix and mingle can drastically hinder effective networking efforts.

The key to taking advantage of significant networking opportunities is to improve your interpersonal communication skills. Knowing how to start, how to continue and how to end interesting and sincere conversations will help you circulate among people with ease and confidence.

Try the following suggestions the next time you’re invited to a function. Keep in mind that every event can be made productive if you give it a little thought before you go. Planning in advance will enable you to approach any social function with enthusiasm and purpose.
  1. Prepare some short briefing notes for yourself prior to the event. Review WHO will be attending? WHO is sponsoring it? WHAT is the purpose of the event? WHAT is the background information regarding the sponsoring agency? WHEN does it commence? WHEN can I depart? WHERE will it be held? WHERE do I park?
  2. Think specifically about the benefits of attending – both professional and personal. List them. Then commit yourself to them. The benefits may vary from event to event. Clarify in your mind how you might benefit prior to attending.
  3. Develop and practice your self introduction. It should be clear, concise, distinctive and engaging. It should be tied into the event in some way with a connecting statement. For example, at a wedding reception: “Hello! I’m Joy Dirks. I’m a long time friend of the mother of the bride.”
  4. Practice your handshake. It should be a firm clasp that joins palm to palm, not finger to finger. Keep in mind that your handshake always makes an impression on others. It is a significant indicator of competence and confidence.
  5. Prepare your small talk in advance. Read up on local and national issues. Come prepared with at least three pieces of conversation. When stuck for something to talk about, positive comments about the function, the facility or the food will always be appropriate.
  6. Make yourself a more interesting person to be around by reading more and increasing your vocabulary. But read good literature – books related to the history of the area in which you live, motivational books, books about famous people, and the best book of all, the Bible.
  7. Make yourself more visible! Volunteer your services on a church committee or community organization. Join a service club. Place yourself in a position where you can not only meet new people, but also contribute to make your community a better place.
  8. Listen to others actively – not passively. Look people in the eye when talking to them. Nod, smile and ask relevant questions. Focus your full attention on the reactions, feelings and words of the other person and not on your own thoughts. Be in the moment with them!
  9. Adopt a mind set that willingly offers help to others – without expectations. Incorporate the important questions, “How can I help you?” and “What can I do for you?” into your regular conversations. Think about what strengths you have to offer others. Build a powerful momentum with your life that leads to people being helped by you.
  10. Have your business card ready to hand out, especially when asked for it. The exchange of business cards is particularly effective when it follows a meaningful conversation.
  11. Regularly collect business cards from new contacts. Write relevant comments on the back as soon as possible regarding date, conversation and follow-up strategy. Then make sure you follow up!
  12. The value of networking contacts is diminished if you neglect to implement an appropriate follow-up procedure. Whether by phone, fax, personal appointment, or a hand written note, make sure to follow up on your networking contacts. Keep accurate records of contacts by using a personalized documentation method that works well for you.
Remember to approach every new contact with an open mind and an open heart. You never know where each new relationship may lead. Doors will be opened, friendships gained, and your life will be greatly enriched.

Whether you want to provide a service, promote an event, purchase a product, meet new people, or find a job, networking will enhance your possibilities for success.

So start networking – it can change your life..!

Source : Joy Dirks [Powertochange]

Walking the Autism Road with Someone You Love

When my son was diagnosed with autism, I was surprised at the depths of grief that threatened to overwhelm me. Even though I still had my son, I felt as if I had lost him in some ways. The burden of mourning and moving into a new normal was not a load I was able to carry on my own.
Thankfully, my family and friends linked arms with me, walking with me on the road of suffering. Unfortunately, too many parents of children with autism walk the road alone. If you know a friend or family member who is facing a child’s difficult diagnosis, you have a unique and tangible opportunity to help them.

What you can do:

Listen – You may feel an uneasiness about reaching out because you don’t know what to say. It’s important to remember that there are no perfect words that are going to make things better for the parent. It is through asking questions and listening that you can best help them. Asking open-ended questions such as, “How are you handling the diagnosis?” or “What are the challenges you are facing?” are good starting points.

Don’t Offer Advice - Parents of children with autism often receive unsolicited advice concerning their child’s behavior, the causes of autism, and options for therapy. Because of this, there is a wariness to talk about it.
As you begin an empathetic dialogue with your loved one, withhold your opinions and judgments unless you are asked for them. The parent is most likely weary and needs as much encouragement and grace as she can get. Offering advice will only cut off your opportunity to help her.

Offer Tangible Help – The physical, emotional, and spiritual toll that comes with an autism diagnosis can be overwhelming, especially when the parent has other children to care for. Offer specific ways that you’d like to help ease the burden.
Take the family a meal. Plan a Girls-Night-Out and provide babysitting. Offer to keep her kids overnight so the parents can have time together. Go to her house once a week at a set time to play with the child while she runs errands.

Provide Spiritual Encouragement – The best way to bless your loved one is to consistently pray for her. I still reread the emails and cards that people sent telling me the specific things they were praying for my son and for me. They offered me scripture that reminded me of God’s faithfulness and provision. They spoke of their love for my son. And they encouraged me to continue to be faithful despite my circumstances.

When parents are grieving an autism diagnosis, you cannot take away their pain completely, but your intentional care will help them grieve with hope. It will also open up opportunities to share the ultimate comfort with those who are at a point of crisis and desperation for hope.

devo-interact-icon-42x42Is stress beating you?  Feeling overwhelmed by stress?  Take our Life Lesson on beating stress and get practical tips that can help you win the battle.

Source : Christine Hoover [Powertochange]

Fasting: Is it healthy?

girlstaringatpeaFasting has been a common human activity since the beginning of recorded history. At its most basic level, fasting is abstaining from food and liquids, or sometimes just solid food. But is fasting healthy? More specifically, can fasting be used to lose weight, or detoxify (detox) harmful materials from the body?

Fasting to lose weight

Medical experts agree that fasting is not a safe or beneficial way to lose weight. Although it may help you lose a little weight in the short term, it presents numerous health risks and is not a long-term solution. Weight lost due to fasting usually is regained quickly. In fact, fasting can actually make weight problems worse.
 Dr Joel Fuhrman explains that “Fasting is not a weight loss tool. Fasting slows your metabolic rate down so your diet from before the fast is even more fattening after you fast.”1 After fasting, your body will quickly try to regain your “set point”, whereas if you lose weight more gradually, by changing your diet and combine that with exercise, this effect will not be as pronounced.

Fasting to detox the body

Lately various schemes to detox the body have become popular. Dr Michael Ho (famous for the “DR-HO Dual Muscle Therapy System”) makes numerous claims about his Digestive Detox system, including that it “helps cleanse and detoxify the intestinal tract by promoting regular bowel movements” which “help eliminate built-up toxins, parasites and worms from the digestive system.”2
However, such products are not supported by the medical field. Research has concluded that “detox diets do no more than the body’s own natural system to get rid of toxins.” Similarly, suggestions that fasting can somehow clear toxins from the body is repudiated by most medical experts, who suggest that drinking plenty of water, along with getting enough sleep and getting fresh air, are all that are needed.3

What’s the point of fasting?

If fasting isn’t useful for dieting or detoxing the body, why bother with it at all?  Traditionally fasting was a spiritual exercise. It is mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible, where people like Moses, King David, and others fasted to humble themselves or to focus more on spiritual matters rather than merely physical ones. Fasting is also found in Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions.
Jesus taught about fasting, and commented that:
When you fast, don’t make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever get. But when you fast, comb your hair and wash your face. Then no one will notice that you are fasting, except your Father, who knows what you do in private. And your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.4
For him, fasting was all about focusing on prayer and your relationship with God. Although most biblical fasts were for a single day, Jesus once fasted for 40 days! This is feat that has been repeated by others in recent times such as Dr. Bill Bright who fasted for 40 days as a time of spiritual renewal.  He later described the experience as being “a great blessing.”5 He undertook this fast after many years of doing smaller fasts.  If you are considering a long fast be sure to consult your doctor first.

The role of fasting today

Today the tradition of fasting continues in several different ways. One of them is Lent, a forty day long tradition commemorating the forty days Jesus spent in the desert. It is celebrated during the forty days (not including Sundays) leading up to Easter, which is the celebration of Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection. During Lent many Christians will fast or give up a certain cherished food or activity in order to try to spend more time in spiritual contemplation.
In a society that often over-emphasizes the feverish pursuit of material things to the detriment of development of our spiritual lives, fasting is a way to focus on things that are more important. Have you ever felt like something important is missing from your life? Perhaps it’s time to take the spiritual component of your life more seriously, maybe for the first time? If so, here are some links you might be interested in exploring.

1. Susan Seliger, “Is Fasting Healthy?,” WebMD, n.p. Cited 25 February 2009. Online: http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/is_fasting_healthy
2. “Benefits of DR-HO’S® Digestive DetoxTM,” Dr. Ho Website, n.p. Cited 25 February 2009. Online: http://www.drhonow.com/digestive-detox-benefits.php
3. “Scientists dismiss detox schemes,” BBC News (3 January 2006), n.p. Cited 25 February 2009. Online: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4576574.stm
4. Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6, verses 16-18. (New Living Translation)
5. Kerry Batchman, “Fasting for 40 days,” Today’s Pentecostal Evangel (March 11, 2001), n.p. Cited 25 February 2009. Online: http://pentecostalevangel.ag.org/conversations2001/4531_bright.cfm

Source : Darren Hewer [Powertochange]


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